Baby Name Picture
The gift that outlives baby-grows and bibs ! Permanently record those special details for that unique baby gift. Baby Name pictures are individually hand painted using artist quality watercolour paints and paper. They take approximately two to three weeks to complete.
Unframed artwork ,measuring an average 7 1/2" x 12" (19cm x 30cm),is priced at €10 a letter with a minimum price of €40, plus €10 for registered postage. They are not exclusive to babies... children and older adult babies (!) can also receive a Name Picture! Framing and postage costs an additional €100.
"Thank you very much, I received your masterpieces today in the post. They are really beautiful. Josh loves his, asking what all the times, weight etc stood for and all the symbols. He said "That's class, Ma!". Amelia's is beautiful, too." Marie